
We've heard it all at one time or another...
...and still get a chuckle now and then when we hear nonsense from the 90s.
The Mac Myths presented below represent a small sampling of propellerhead pablum collected over many years. Enjoy !-)

"Ya can't git software for the Mac."
The first-ever 128K Macs shipped with two programs included: MacWrite and MacPaint. Exactly one graphics program more than anybody else had. Today, there are more software options available for Macintosh than for any other platform.
"Macs are great fer drawin' pitchers, but...
If'n ya wants ta do bizness, ya gots ta use a pee cee."
The truth back then (as now) is that text processing is a no-brainer. The real power was - and still is - graphics, audio and video; capabilities that PCs wouldn't have for over ten years.
"It's got a mouse! Who ever heard of a mouse?"
Yes, the first-ever Macintosh had a mouse, pull-down menus, and what has since become known as a graphical user interface (GUI), along with countless other features which were eventually mimicked by PCs. It took Microsoft about five years to accommodate a mouse. And then we Mac users got to hear this one:
"Da mouse what only gots one button!"
The more complex it is, the more sophisticated it must be. Right?
"I'd rather get a Mac, but...
I've gotta have a PC so I can run the software from work."
You could easily run "the software from work" (meaning something DOS-based) on a Mac by either creating a DOS partition, or by installing a PC card with its own RAM in certain models. It was one of the Mac's best-kept secrets.
"Macs are too expensive."
You get what you pay for. Or, as Bell Helmet used to say:
"If you have a ten-dollar head, get a ten-dollar helmet."
While Macs came with all the best options built-in, PC buyers had to purchase and install cards, adapters, hardware and drivers to build a system with similar capabilities, often spending far more money in the long run (to say nothing of time and trouble).
News flash: Sound comes to the Pee Cee!
Taken for granted by Mac aficionados since the first Macintosh in 1984 and the Apple II before that, addition of a sound card and Sound Blaster (about $200 at the time) was _big_ news in the PC world nearly ten years later. But then, Macs were too expensive...
Web-safe colors?
What happens if you use an "unsafe" color? Web police? Monitor failure? Of the 256-color palette available to PCs, 40 colors were "reserved" exclusively for use by Windows. Only the remaining 216 colors were available for use in web pages; these came to be known as "web-safe colors" (conveniently obscuring another Windows flaw). If an "unsafe" color was encountered by a PC, it would appear as a dithered combination of its two nearest neighbors, resulting in a grainy image.
"Bill Gates wrote the original Macintosh Operating System."
One of the dumbest urban myths _ever_. Most PC users thought Gates wrote DOS, too. Gary Kildall of Digital Research created DOS (CPM); Gates bought and adapted "QDOS" (quick and dirty operating system), a derivative of CPM, then renamed it MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system). And dummies bought it.
"We'll all be using the same operating system soon."
Yeah? Who wouldda guessed it'd be a flavor of UNIX.....
"Apple's only got an (X)% market share!"
Are we talking about computer sales or Operating Systems? (They dunno.) You mean the Mac versus everybody else combined? (Dunno.) So what exactly does this mean? (Dunno.) What is Sun's market share? Or Compac or Dell or Gateway, hmmm? What's their market share? (Nobody knows.)
"Windows '95 is a 32-bit operating system."
Not only was Windows '95 _not_ 32-bit clean, Windoze was never an operating system; it was merely a user interface plastered over the same old DOS from the '80s. Like the t-shirt said, "Windows '95 = Mac '84."
"It's kinda like the BetaMax®, y'know?
BetaMax was superior, but VHS won out."
Yes, Sony's BetaMax was a superb video tape format, far superior to the cheaper VHS cartridge that eventually dominated video markets (long since replaced by DVD). Uh-huh. So? This observation usually comes from those who believe some sort of natural selection governs technology markets, and only the best survive.
"Yup, it can do everythang a Mac can do..."
A elderly couple went out shopping for a computer one afternoon. Their son had told them to get a Macintosh. But, thinking all computers are alike, they walked into a Radio Shack store and asked the kid behind the counter.....
"New PCs are plug-'n-play."
Responding to the ease of setting up a Mac, the "plug and play" concept was popular in PC advertising for a short time, if never a reality. It was quietly dropped when PC users started referring to it as "plug and pray."
"If Apple had used open architecture, they'd be a lot more popular today."
"Open architecture" - at the time - meant building a computer from readily available, off-the-shelf components. Anybody can do it, giving rise to countless PC clones (starting with Compac). Apple chose to develop Macintosh from the ground up, using proprietary chips with processors from IBM and Motorola. The advantages were obvious.
The 'open-versus-closed' debate still rages on, over source code now, with the MacOS on the OpenSource side. The advantages of this should be obvious, too.
"Macs or PCs... it's just like buying a Ford or a Chevy, right?"
Uh..... no. It's not. And by the way: Next time you visit a Ford dealer, be sure to ask 'em about the new Chevy.
"Macs are too hard to program..."
Only heard this once, at a San Francisco coffeehouse, and it certainly wasn't from a programmer. I think the guy had an Etch-a-Sketch in his backpack.
"Mac users are... such snobs...
They act like they're better'n everybody else."
Oooo, well pardon me all to heck! We try to remain silent while we listen to you curse at your PCs, we look the other way when your PCs crash and freeze, wait patiently while you scan for nasties and rebuild your registry, but sometimes we just can't help but snicker at all the unnecessary grief Windows users suffer. It's your funeral. Get over it.

"I hate the Mac! I can't hack [into] the OS."
Aside from her frustration at being unable to steal some software, this was a legitimate criticism of the MacOS and she had a valid point. Prior to (open-source) OSX, the Mac's Operating System was locked-up tight with no easy access to the Mac's inner workings (thru OS 9). While a closed OS kept things simple, organized and trouble-free, changing OS behavior by hacking (modifying) the System required some knowledge.
"Apple's only got an (X)% market share!"
Okay, look: In order for this dubious observation to mean anything at all, you have to make three mistaken assumptions:
1. All computers have the same capabilities, right out of the box.
2. Buyers carefully evaluate each platform before making a purchase.
3. Computers all become obsolete at about the same age.

The world was supposed to end on Y2K.
Planes would fall from the sky, there'd be blackouts, famine, rioting in the streets. There was a mass suicide of some crazed cult, a run on the banks and Wall Street, predictions of doom on the news. Why all the fuss? Well, because Windows used a two-digit date that would default to 1900 at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve. Wasn't a problem for the Macintosh. Sure was fun to watch. Says a lot about the life expectancy of DOS, too.
"There are things you can't do with a Mac."
True. You can't teach a Mac to swim.
"But Mike, you're the only person I know who has a Macintosh."
An old friend made this glib observation shortly after we opened the MacShack in '02. Thanks, but... dude, you need to get out more.
"If your computer is over 3-years-old, you probably need a new computer."
(From a local radio ad.) Why would you need a new computer after only three years? Because you bought a cheap PC, that's why. Expensive PCs are only a few years behind, but cheap ones are obsolete right out of the box.
"Hey! I hear you can run Windows on a Mac now."
It's like putting wagon wheels on a Ferrari.
But - if you just can't eliminate Windows from your life - sure, you can run it on a Mac. (Always could, nothing new here.) Just be advised: Windows will bring all of its virus, spyware and malware vulnerabilities with it when run on a Macintosh.
"Vista - it's just like a Mac!"
Released at midnight, January 29th, 2007 (costing up to $400.00), Vista came with virus warnings, overwhelmingly negative reviews, and the promise of making all but the newest PCs obsolete. Possibly the biggest flop since the Zune. One day after releasing Vista, Bill Gates was on air whining about Apple's advertising campaign. Within a few weeks Microsoft was forced to revise earnings estimates.
The most notable thing about Vista's release was the date: Windows was now a full seven years behind the current MacOS, about two years more than usual.

"The Mac shouldda been... the Cadillac of computers."
What?! Did ya think Apple was going away? A PC user and "early adopter" of Vista complained that Vista wouldn't work on his high-end, custom-built PC. Ready to make the big switch, he was still consumed with years of nonsense (including much of the above) and was teetering between raw hatred of Microsoft and his fear that the Macintosh might go extinct.
Which reminds me: Haven't heard much about Apple's market share lately.
"I saw a PC magazine what said y'all gots security updates now,
jus' like Microsoft does."
You read something about Macs in a PC rag? Gee whiz, do tell!
Maybe he thought it meant a Mac virus had been found after all these years, who knows. Accustomed to installing bandaids for the millions of Windows viruses in the wild, he couldn't understand preemptive security updates. As they say, "misery loves company."
"Our business used to be about fifty-fifty, Macs and PCs."
Pondering a decline of Mac clientele in recent years, the proprietor of a local print shop brought in his eight-year-old PowerMac because it wouldn't startup anymore. Still running OS 9, it had a full-up, seriously fragmented 20MB (that's MEGAbyte) hard drive. We fixed it.....
"They stole the PC but never touched our Mac."
Doesn't take any brains to be a burglar.
"We havta use PCs, 'cause we use industry-standard CAD software."
Industry-standard, y'say? Really? (It's always amazing how PC users rationalize being enslaved by the inertia of Microsoft.) So, creating 3-D CAD drawings in half the time with half the effort and four times the quality - this is of no use to you?
"Mac users, they're like a... a... cult."
"They flock to Apple stores, hang out all hours..."
This AM radio talk show host went on to ponder why Mac users are so fond of their computers and iPods and iPhones; an unfathomable condition for PC types. The fact that he was operating from a Mac-centric broadcast studio (as guest host) probably had him wondering what he's been missing.

"You can't play games on a Mac."
Of course you can, but - whatta waste! If all you use a computer for is playing games, then by all means get yourself a cheap PC.
"Microsoft saved Apple!"
Hearing this in 2014 about events from 1997 was more of a surprise than the foolishness of it, but okay. Apple had $1.2 Billion in the bank and earned $1.7 Billion in the last quarter of '97 when Microsoft paid Apple $1.5 Million to drop a long-running lawsuit and include demo versions of MS Office with new Macs. Microsoft also made a 5-year commitment to continue developing software for the Mac - but backed out a short time later. Then, of course, MS quietly released a new version of Office for the Mac.
Meanwhile, Apple developed its iWork suite, aka "the Office killer."
"Macs don't get viruses 'cause there are so few Macs."
Even as late as 2017, we were still hearing goofy stuff from the 80s. Nowadays, tho, the debate has all but vanished.
Mac-versus-PC? The contest is over, and I'm gonna miss it.
Compare any aspect of the two platforms, side-by-side: Product design, hardware specs, speed and efficiency, service, security, longevity, ease of use or any other measure - Macs have always been state of the art. If you're ready to dump Windows, we can help you transition to a Mac.