Apple warranty and repair programs
Check your Apple product warranty status by its serial number here.
Current recall and service programs are listed here.

If your MacBook needs a new battery or charger
Quality batteries and genuine AC-adapters (chargers) are available from OWC and iFixit. Identify correct charger for your Mac here.

Shopping for a new printer?
All modern printers are capable of outstanding color and resolution, but there is one brand that is best avoided: HP. Hewlett Packard has the worst software on planet earth, but that's just the beginning. More info.

Security issues on the Macintosh
Macs remain immune to viruses, but there are countless scams hoping to draw you in. Avoid third-party utilities and all anti-virus programs. You may also have new Apple security "features" you should be aware of. See our Security page.

Replace or upgrade?
If you're on the fence about a new Mac, this might help you make an informed decision. That "legacy" Mac might not be done just yet.

Protect your MacBook from spills
Moisture sensors will void warranty, and notebooks are costly to repair. Keyboard covers help: CaseBuy, Kuzy, Forito and Moshi on Amazon.

Should I upgrade my Operating System?
Short answer: Stay 1 or 2 system versions back. Some OS versions may have other concerns. See OS upgrade for tips prior to upgrading.

Need iPhone service?
We only service Mac computers at nCity, but we have a few support links for iPhones, iPads and even iPods listed here.

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A Magna Carta for the Web - Tim Berners-Lee, 2014 (7 min.)


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